Around the world, the restoration of degraded ecosystems is one of the key challenges that we face in ensuring a sustainable future, combating and adapting to climate change, and working towards food sovereignty. Analog forestry has emerged as a response to these challenges, as it imitates forest structure and function to restore ecosystem services while emphasizing sustainable production.
At IAFN, one of our key roles is to facilitate on-the-ground impact and share the success stories of implementing analog forestry. In order to do so, we support new and innovative application of the analog forestry methodology in demonstration sites around the world. In 2013, we were proud to support three new demonstration sites in Africa and Latin America with our network partners. See these photos from demonstration sites that were initiated in the Peruvian Amazon and Northwest Cameroon.
The 2014 site development call builds on these experiences, looking once again to receive proposals to create new demonstration sites. This funding provides support for the first year implementation costs of analog forestry demonstration site. The maximum amount that can be applied for is US$4,000, and applications are due August 15, 2014.
This funding is awarded as a one-year loan, with two action streams for repayment: the first is to pay the loan back, free of interest within a term agreed upon with IAFN. The second is to design an impact plan to use the results of the demonstration site in local capacity building activities, seed exchanges, or other impact that can multiply the local benefits of the demonstration site. For more details, please see the full guidelines, below.
IAFN wishes the best to all those who apply to this funding call. The full guidelines and application form can be downloaded below. Please send completed applications, as well as any queries to
The 2014 analog forestry demonstration site microloans program is possible thanks to generous support from Both Ends and Rich Forests.
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