Spanish (fluent)
Costa Rica
About Carla Fabiola Padilla Salas
By training, Carla has a degree in forestry engineering with a specialty in management and care of urban trees, she has developed experiences of ecological restoration and greening of cities through different techniques and in joint work with local governments and communities; She is implementing university and international cooperation projects with the National University (UNA), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Organization for Tropical Studies (OET). Additionally, Carla has participated in research projects on integral farms, where she fell in love with these sustainable production systems that are respectful of Mother Earth. She has also worked as an environmental educator in agroecological initiatives, she has received training on gender issues through United Nations platforms and believes that the fulfillment of project goals can occur from a gender and social justice perspective.
Focus Areas
Urban trees, landscape restoration, interurban biological corridors, design of interventions and gardens with native plants, work with multiple actors, environmental education.