
Spanish (fluent)

Costa Rica

About Guido Barrientos Matamoros

Guido Barrientos is a biologist, and has training in organic agriculture and biointensive food production methods. He is a trainer in both Permaculture and Analog Forestry, which he sees as complementary to each other. He combines his technical knowledge with his practical training in popular education which helps him in the planning, design and execution of capacity-building activities. He has developed designs for various sites combining Permaculture with Analog Forestry, and has conducted several courses and workshops on topics related to the regeneration of life support systems in urban and rural settings.t Engineer involved in conservation efforts since 198, researching forest species of the native rainforest, ecosystem restoration and landscaping.

Focus Areas

Compost and regeneration of soil fertility, urban gardens, on-site water management, biological wastewater treatment, rainwater harvesting, construction using plastic bottles, local development and sustainability