Spanish (fluent)
About María Ofelia Ortega Sandoval
María Ofelia is 30 years old, a university student, single mother of a girl, lives in the San Diego region, Diriomo municipality – Granada Department. She is an agroecological producer, currently vice coordinator of the network of native and domesticated foreign seed banks in the South zone (Granada, Carazo and Rivas). She is also a member of the board of directors of the bank of native and domesticated seeds of her community (secretary), she is a promoter in her community of the projects that Nochari association develops, spokesperson for Red Gpae defending native and domesticated seeds, she also belongs to a group of young communicators promoting agroecology.
Focus Areas
Interest in ecological restoration, María Ofelia wants to contribute to the recovery, conservation and replacement of the ecosystem of her plot and her community that for years has been degraded, damaged or destroyed, (intervened) by people.