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Nature Tropicale is an NGO dedicated to education and awareness-raising on the importance of biodiversity restoration and protection. In addition to their educational activities, they carry out projects on the protection of endangered species and sustainable land management. Members of Nature Tropicale were introduced to Analog Forestry in 2014, and in 2015 have begun the establishment of their first demonstration site.

Nature Tropicale is a member of the IUCN and the African Biodiversity Network.



CENDEP was established in 1999 as a farmer group, with the mission of assisting and training farmers in the sustainable production and marketing of non-timber forest products. From the beginning, CENDEP worked for the protection of the environment, using the approach of ‘protection through domestication’, in other words, protecting threatened and commercial crops by growing them. Today CENDEP works in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon and in the West and Central African Region, focusing primarily on plant domestication and on restoring degraded forest lands, especially those that serve as watersheds using Analog Forestry techniques.

Contact: Wirsiy Eric Fondzenyuy (cendep2001@yahoo.com)


The Tree Project is a New Brunswick based organization, established in 1991, that has a history of information sharing and events focused on Biodiversity Restoration. Through a long term international connection with Arbofiliia in Costa Rica, they have collaborated on Analog Forestry restoration projects in Central America, and are currently active in Honduras.

Contact: Jean Arnold (arnoldjean22@gmail.com)


Costa Rica

Centro de Capacitación Bosques Análogos: The Centro de Capacitación de Bosques Análogo (CCBA) or ‘Analog Forestry Training Center’ is a not for profit nongovernmental organization (NGO) incorporated in Costa Rica in response to the need of restoring forested land. The goal is to expand this proven management approach by training people who will return to their home communities and countries to train others to extend the methodology of Analog Forestry (AF). The CCBA will be centered in la Finca Fila Marucha, a 94-hectare farm with primary and 40-year-old secondary forested areas and more recently established Analog Forestry plots. CCBA will provide live-in training and research opportunities for groups of AF students, professional foresters, and farmers. Contact: Milo Bekins (milo@bosquesanalogos.org)


ARBOFILIA is a non-profit association, which has been working for more than 20 years to stop the accelerated environmental and cultural deterioration in Costa Rica. The organization’s mission is to educate people about the importance of rainforest protection and empower them to assume responsibility for themselves and the restoration of the ecosystems that sustain their lives. Arbofilia’s first priority is to restore the ecosystems that are habitats for wildlife and support human activities. Consequently, their main activities include reforestation with native tree species, the establishment of biological corridors, de-pollution of rivers and beaches, and the design of agro forestry systems. Contact: Miguel Soto (info@arbofilia.net)


REFA, created in 2015, is a network of individuals, organizations and communities working together to promote the active restoration of stable ecosystems, such as biodiverse and successional natural forests, through maximizing the value of our plant heritage in order to live in harmony within the land community. We have 50 members, 10 demonstration sites, 7 community and private nurseries, and 300 plots of Analog Forestry practice. The mission of the Ecuadorian Network of Analog Forestry (REFA) is to disseminate the model of rural development based on the restoration of ecosystems with the techniques of Analog Forestry in Ecuador. The IAFN and REFA work hand in hand in their missions and nurture each other's projects and initiatives.


Guayapi Company founded in 1990, Guayapi’s vocation is the valorization of noble and traditional plants from their native land. It imports and distributes plants from wild harvests in the Amazon and Sri Lanka, in the form of food supplements, delicatessen and cosmetics.

Its 3 fundamental principles are the following:

• Organic
• Fair Trade
• Biodiversity

Contact: Claudie Ravel & Bastien Beaufort (info@guayapi.com)

Website: Guayapi
Facebook: Guayapi
Instagram: Guayapi
Twitter: Guayapi


ADINOR is an organization that works for rural development in communities in northern Guatemala, managing funds to carry out projects related to the strengthening of Food Security and Sovereignty; Research and Characterization of Agricultural Crops; Strengthening of Productive Capacities; Study on Child Labor; and Diversification of Local Production, Family Economy, Natural Resource Management, and Environment; with the collaboration of international programs, universities, and national institutions. Since 2015, ADINOR has been concretizing some lines to contribute to community development such as diversification of livelihoods and inclusion of gender and age groups in productive activities, mainly focused on promoting the diversification of family gardens, cocoa production and processing, and implementing better practices for natural resource management. During the period of incidence in the communities, a series of opportunities with high cultural, socioeconomic, and environmental relevance have been identified, which can represent the path to improving the living conditions of families in the region, respecting the capacity of the resources they have.

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INIFAP is an institution of excellence in science and technology, with leadership and with national and international recognition for its capability to respond to demands in knowledge and technological innovations in the agricultural, livestock and forestry sectors.

Contact: Lucas Madrigal (ing_lucasm@hotmail.coming_lucasm@hotmail.com)


Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world together with environmental justice groups from the Global South. We gather and share information about policy and investments that have a direct impact on people and their livelihood, we engage in joint advocacy, we stimulate the dialogue between stakeholders and we promote and support sustainable local alternatives. Both ENDS aims to massively upscale and mainstream transformative practices like Analog Forestry. Transformative practices are bottom-up, planet-friendly practices that use and govern the environment and its natural resources in a sustainable, just and inclusive way. We also promote Analog Forests as a gender just climate solution, an effective community-based response to urgent climate mitigation and adaptation action that centers women’s rights, and amplifies women’s leadership and resilience. Web: www.bothends.org Facebook: @BothENDS.org Twitter: @both_ends Instagram: @bothends_org


We are a Peruvian non-profit association founded in 2010. We manage and protect 916 hectares (2,264 acres) of Amazon forest in the Las Piedras River basin, Madre de Dios, Peru. The organization is led by women and its purpose is to implement conservation models that are economically viable and sustainable for forest users with the participation of civil society and the private sector. We work under 3 pillars 1) Conservation 2) Science and 3) Awareness.

In the forest we prioritize the study and defense of large Amazonian trees whose age is estimated between 100 to 1300 years, irreplaceable beings that are currently being over-exploited by the logging industry. Since 2013 we have been part of the RIFA, we have a pilot plot in Puerto Maldonado and our forest is a seed source for the creation of Analog Forestry plots, providing genetic material from primary forest.

Contact: Tatiana Espinosa (tatiana@arbioperu.org)

Camino Verde is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and understanding biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazon, protecting indigenous rights, autonomy and wisdom, and spreading sustainable ways of life to encourage fair sustainable development. They were first introduced to Analog Forestry in 2014, and have incorporated the methodology into their tree planting and sustainable production work, as well as their Living Seed Bank Program.

Contact: Robin Van Loon (info@caminoverde.org)


Sri Lanka


Les Compagnons Ruraux serves as a core intellectual scientific organization, whose goal is to promote the conservation of biodiversity through traditional and modern methods.

The association seeks to work, through education, research and consultation, for the improved conservation and integration of biodiversity in local activities, in order to promote the sustainable development of communities.

Contact: Jules Adjima (julesadjima@yahoo.fr)