Following the steps of resilience in vulnerable communities of the Guantanamo municipality, Cuba
Project Details
Cuba, La Habana province( Cojímar community) and Guantánamo (La Sombrilla, Cecilia y Paraguay communities) since 2008-2012
Cuba, Guantánamo province,( Maisí, San Antonio del Sur, Imías y Guantánamo) current project since 2022-2025
Property Extension
17 Acres
Coastal zone: from 1.3 m.a.s.l to 29.1 m.a.s.l
Mountain area: from 347.9 m.a.s.l to 1184.3 m.a.s.l
AF Starting Year
2008 (350 ha)
Analog Forestry Extension
10 parcels of 5 Acres
Forest Type
Coastal zone: xerophytic forests (dry and thorny)
Mountain area: tropical humid forests
Projects And Objectives
The project entitled “Improving resilience and adaptation to climate change in four municipalities in the province of Guantánamo” aims to reforest with native species and the introduction of horticultural varieties, cereals, tubers and legumes resistant to the new climatic conditions. The objective is to apply a climate-smart agriculture approach and for this, demonstration areas will be created to serve as reference farms where 10 plots of 5 hectares are selected in each productive form (pending to be selected) where the Analog Forestry technique will be applied.
The results that will be obtained will allow the production of food and the restoration of the diverse in forest farms with the participation of the communities, having as a main premise the Resilience to climate change.
Our Team
The project directly involves 1,203 producers from 21 production entities in which they are located (Credit and Services Cooperative, Basic Cooperative Production Unit, Base Business Unit, Agricultural Production Cooperatives, and three Forestry Units), belonging to to the Agroforestry Companies of Maisí, Imías and Guantánamo where 23% of the producers are women.
To complete the picture of the local actors responsible for food sovereignty in the region, municipal seed farms from the National Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture Program will be selected.
Two Research Institutes of the Ministry of Agriculture of Cuba are working on the project (Institute of Agroforestry Research (INAF) and Institute of Fundamental Research in Tropical Agriculture “Alejandro de Humboldt” (INIFAT). The project is financed by funds from the Italian Agency of Cooperation for Development.
Main Contact
Wilmer Toirac Arguelle
Orlidia Hechavarría Kindelán