Spanish (fluent)
About Diego Alejandro Tapia Gonzalez
(Santo Domingo – Ecuador, 1982) Entrepreneurial farmer based on innovation together with his family emphasized the search and investigation of new alternatives for agriculture, thus obtaining important plants such as cinnamon, ishpingo, sweet pepper, cloves , miracle fruit among others. In 2008 he founded an enterprise called “Ecuaforestar – Plantas Maravillosas”, whose aim was initially the production and commercialization of promising plants. Diego has created a productive model where environmentally friendly agricultural production is combined, applying the Analog Forestry system attached to processing technologies to give high added value to the products. In 2019, he collaborated to found the ECUADORIAN NETWORK OF ANALOG FORESTRY (REFA), to teach the methodology of design, principles and implementation of Analog Forestry.
Focus Areas
Environment-friendly agriculture, entrepreneurship, innovation, production and commercialization of promising plants, production models in Analog Forestry,essential oils