Spanish (fluent), English (basic)
Costa Rica
About Emel Rodríguez Paniagua
Emel Rodríguez Paniagua is a Forest Engineer with a degree in Natural Resources Management and Conservation. His home in Costa Rica is Hojancha, Guanacaste , where he works as Regional Director of the Tempisque Conservation Area (ACT), SINAC – Ministry of Environment. He has coordinated many initiatives such as the Biological Corridors program of the Tempisque Conservation Area, research and forestry extension programs in the Chorotega region (CATIE -MINAE), as well as taught courses on environmental management and sustainable development.
Focus Areas
Emel has participated in various professional training courses on biological corridors, agroforestry, national parks, tree nurseries, forest seeds, forest industry, marine coastal areas, environmental impact legislation as well as courses on restoration of riverbanks and fresh water streams.